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WIR – Week of the Automarkers

This week was pretty much filled with news of the possible US automaker bailout [1]. Most people believe the bailout is not a good thing because the big 3 in Detroit haven’t shown the ability to fix the problem for at least the last decade.

On a separate note, what is wrong with the stock market? In a few short days, we have gone back to the lows of October (we actually flew past it yesterday). As I type this, the Dow [2] is hovering around the 8,000 mark. Are you buying stocks these days? There’s only so much turmoil that one can take, because even the most risk tolerant person will eventually break under constant pressure. When will our investor confidence come back? When do you think it will come back?

At least it’s comforting to know that while the market is a mess, we can still increase our investment knowledge by educating ourselves with articles around the Internet. Here are a couple articles you should look at: