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The Monetary Supply – What’s In Your Wallet?

The monetary supply [1], more commonly named the money supply, is the sum total of bills, coins, credit, loans and other liquid instruments that are part of a country’s economy. That supply is divided in to several categories, based upon the type and size of the account in which the instrument is held.

There are four dynamic categories into which the money supply is split:

While M3 represents all types of money available, inclusive of credits, it can still be divided into local currency and foreign currency.

Understanding the money supply helps economists understand how financial policies might affect things such as the interest rate [4] and economic growth. There is a great deal of evidence that there is a direct relationship between long-term inflation [5] of prices and the growth of the monetary supply. The faster the supply of money is increased the more rapidly prices rise, creating a situation of hyperinflation.

Potentially, controlling the supply of money helps control the rise of prices and inflation.