Just when you start to get comfortable in the market again, all stock prices go south! This week marks the continuation of the bank stock crashes as everything related to the financial sector are beaten down!
The good part about this is that if you don’t own anything in the financials, your losses are limited. The bad part is … well, you know.
Let’s see what other people have to wrote about this week.
- MoneyNing posted a guest post titled Your Job is Indexed for Inflation. Your Investments Probably Aren’t. Find out how to fix this situation.
- Oblivious Investor poses this question: Can Risk Tolerance Change? I believe that it absolutely can. What do you think?
- ABC writes about what a 529 Educational Savings Plan is and it’s such a welcomed piece because I always wanted to know what it was!
- An oldie but a goodie, Moolanomy talked about Social Responsible Investing. What’s your take?
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