Try Buying When You Want to Sell and Vice Versa

by Investing School on November 6, 2008

flip and coin to determine whether to buy a stock or not
This is a fun post about the current market turmoil. It is not supposed to be serious advice even though it might work for some of you. Read at your own risk!

If you’ve been trying to make money in the stock market have lost a great deal lately, you must be thinking of what you are doing wrong. Instead of trying to fix the problem, why don’t you just flip your decision making around? Instead of losing $10,000 (for example), you would’ve in effect made $10,000! It’s rather simple, buy when you would’ve sold, and sell when you would otherwise buy!

Why This Works
The reason why this works is because of psychology. It’s a known fact by many that we want to buy when things are good and want to sell when things are bad. In the investing world, this translate to selling low (when demand for stocks is low) and buying high (when demand is high).

How to Try This Crazy Suggestion
Of course, it’s a little out of this world to think of doing this full force, so why not work this into your strategy? Instead of doing everything this way, why not do it with part of your money? See what happens if you try this with just 5-10% of your money. Whenever you want to sell a stock, buy some. Whenever you want to buy a stock, sell some short.

If you are losing money, mathematically it’s supposed to work. Nothing else is working, why not try this.

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Samuel November 6, 2008 at 7:59 pm

Thanks for the good laugh. At least I can tell my wife I’m not the only one insane during these times!


Sandy November 8, 2008 at 9:02 pm

Sam (my hubby) told me to read this. What’s up with men and stocks? Haven’t you guys lost enough money?


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